Javier Clemente Martínez nació en Madrid, España. Estudió Fotografía y Artes Visuales en el Centro EFTI de Fotografía y Cine, y más tarde Fotografía Contemporánea en FUGA, gracias a una beca concedida en 2020. Su trabajo ha sido expuesto en Javits Center - The Nest Summit for Climate Week NYC con The Climate Museum New York y British Journal of Photography, The Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change (Hong Kong), Festival della Fotografia Etica (Lodi, Italia), Foto Platja d`Aro (Cataluña, España) y Royal Geographical Society (Londres, Reino Unido) entre otros. Beneficiario de las Ayudas a la Creación de VEGAP (España), Decade of Change con British Journal of Photography (1854 & BJP), seleccionado en Descubrimientos PHotoEspaña y Canon Development Programme (Visa pour l'Image).
Exposiciones / Shows Colectivos
2022. Festival della Fotografia Etica (Lodi, Italia)
2022. Head On Photo Festival. Proyección
2022. Korridor - Innsbrucker Preis für Dokumentarfotografie. Proyección (Innsbruck, Austria)
2022. Terra Gollut Film Festival. Proyección (España)
2022. Galería Andrómeda (Ciudad de México) Exhibición Online
2022. Casa de la Cultura. Casar de Cáceres, España
2021. Decade of Change, British Journal of Photography & OpenSea & ART3.io / NFTs. Exposición virtual
2021. Kodama Environmental Festival
2021. Javits Center / The Nest Summit for Climate Week NYC. The Climate Museum New York & 1854 & BJP
2021. The Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change (Hong Kong). 1854 & BJP
2021. Auditorio La Lonja (Orihuela, España). Fotomaton Festival
2021. La Capella / Fuga Centro de Fotografia. Proyección (Barcelona, España)
2021. Center of Mediterranean Architecture KAM (Creta,Grecia). Blank Wall Gallery
2021. Eduard Escalante Abastos Librería Publica (Valencia, España)
2021. Galería Laurent (Melbourne, Australia). Feature Shoot
2020-2021. Moors Valley, Dorset (GBR). Royal Geographical Society & Forestry England
2020-2021. Grizedale, Cumbria (GBR). Royal Geographical Society & Forestry England
2020-2021. Dalby Forest, North Yorkshire (GBR). Royal Geographical Society & Forestry England
2020. Royal Geographical Society (Londres, GBR)
2020. Guest Room / Der Greif. Exhibición Online
2020. Galería Man Ray / Imago (Mexico)
2020. Festival Luz de Ventana / Migrar Photo. Proyección (Chile)
2020. Escuela Nacional Sindical de Colombia
2020. Masía Bas; Foto Platja d`Aro (Cataluña, España)
2020. Festival della Fotografia Etica (Lodi, Italia)
2020. Head On Photo Festival ; Show colectivo online
2019. Fotoproyectos `19. Unonueve. Proyección (Madrid, España)
Seleccionado Hamburg Portfolio Review 2023
Seleccionado Terra Gollut Film Festival 2022 (España)
Lucie Foundation Scholarship Program 2021. Shortlist
VEGAP. Ayudas a la Creación 2021 (España)
Decade of Change 2021 / British Journal of Photography & 1854 (GBR)
The Royal Photographic Society IPE163 (GBR). Shortlist
Seleccionado Descubrimientos PHotoEspaña 2021 (España)
Seleccionado Canon Student Development Programme 2021 / Visa pour l'Image (Francia)
Premio Allard Fotografía 2021 (Canada)
Beca Roberto Villagraz 2021 / Efti (España). Finalista
International Photogrʌphy Grant – Talent of the Year 2020. Finalista
IPA 2020 (Lucie) Editorial / Prensa. Selección Jurado
Alliance Française & Efti International Photo Contest 2020. Finalista
Seleccionado exhibición Siero Premio de Fotoperiodismo 2020 (España)
Seleccionado revisión de portfolio Encontros da Imagem 2020 (Braga, Portugal)
World Report Award 2020 Documenting Humanity (Italia). Finalista
Royal Geographical Society (Londres, GBR), Earth Photo 2020. Finalista
26th Concurso Latinoamericano de Fotografia Documental (Colombia). Finalista
Seleccionado Lugano Photo Days 2020
Beca de Fotoperiodismo Fuga. Fuga Centro de Fotografia / RUIDO Photo 2020 (España)
MIFA The Moscow International Foto Awards 2020. Retrato. Mención de Honor
Revisión portfolio Ateljee / Museo Nacional de Finlandia (Kansallismuseo). Helsinki Photo festival
Mercé Rodoreda Contest 2020 (Foto Platja D’Aro, España). Premio Autor JovenPublicaciones
2018. “1995”. ISBN: 978-84-09-06879-1. Pag: 84 / 170 x 240 mm
Javier Clemente Martinez was born in Madrid, Spain. He studied photography and visual arts at EFTI Center of Photography and Cinema, and later contemporary photography at FUGA, thanks to a scholarship awarded in 2020. His work has been exhibited at Javits Center - The Nest Summit for Climate Week NYC with The Climate Museum New York and British Journal of Photography, The Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change (Hong Kong), Festival della Fotografia Etica (Lodi, Italy), Foto Platja d`Aro (Catalonia, Spain) and Royal Geographical Society (London, UK) among others. Javier was awarded with the VEGAP Grant (Spain), Decade of Change with British Journal of Photography (1854 & BJP), selected at PHotoEspaña Discoveries and Canon Development Programme (Visa pour l’Image).
Exhibitions / Group Shows
2022. Festival della Fotografia Etica (Lodi, Italy)
2022. Head On Photo Festival. Screening
2022. Korridor - Innsbrucker Preis für Dokumentarfotografie. Screening (Innsbruck, Austria)
2022. Terra Gollut Film Festival. Screening (Spain)
2022. Andromeda Gallery (Mexico City) Online Exhibition
2022. Casa de la Cultura. Casar de Cáceres, Spain
2021. Decade of Change, British Journal of Photography & OpenSea & ART3.io / NFTs Virtual exhibition
2021. Kodama Environmental Festival
2021. Javits Center / The Nest Summit for Climate Week NYC. The Climate Museum New York & 1854 & BJP
2021. The Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change (Hong Kong). 1854 & BJP
2021. La Lonja Auditorium (Orihuela, Spain). Fotomaton Festival
2021. La Capella / Fuga Center of Photography. Screening (Barcelona, Spain)
2021. Center of Mediterranean Architecture KAM (Crete, Greece). Blank Wall Gallery
2021. Eduard Escalante Abastos Public Library (Valencia, Spain)
2021. Laurent Gallery (Melbourne, Australia). Feature Shoot
2020-2021. Moors Valley, Dorset (UK). Royal Geographical Society & Forestry England
2020-2021. Grizedale, Cumbria (UK). Royal Geographical Society & Forestry England
2020-2021. Dalby Forest, North Yorkshire (UK). Royal Geographical Society & Forestry England
2020. Royal Geographical Society (London, UK)
2020. Guest Room: Online Exhibition. Der Greif
2020. Man Ray Gallery / Imago. Mexico City (Mexico)
2020. Luz de Ventana Festival / Migrar Photo. Screening (Chile)
2020. Escuela Nacional Sindical de Colombia
2020. Masía Bas; Foto Platja d`Aro (Catalonia, Spain)
2020. Festival della Fotografia Etica (Lodi, Italy)
2020. Head On Photo Festival ; Online Group show
2019. Fotoproyectos `19. Unonueve. Screening (Madrid, Spain)
Selected Hamburg Portfolio Review 2023
Selected Terra Gollut Film Festival 2022 (Spain)
Lucie Foundation Scholarship Program 2021. Shortlist
Recipient VEGAP Grant. Ayudas a la Creación 2021 (Spain)
Awarded Decade of Change 2021 / British Journal of Photography & 1854 (UK)
The Royal Photographic Society IPE163 (UK). Shortlist
Selected Descubrimientos PHotoEspaña 2021 (Spain)
Selected Canon Student Development Programme 2021 / Visa pour l'Image (France)
Recipient Allard Photography Prize 2021 (Canada)
Roberto Villagraz Scholarship 2021 / Efti (Spain). Finalist
International Photogrʌphy Grant – Talent of the Year 2020. Finalist
IPA 2020 (Lucie) Editorial / Press – Photo Essay Category. Jury Selection
Alliance Française & Efti International Photo Contest 2020. Finalist
Selected for exhibition Siero Photojournalism Prize 2020 ( Spain)
Selected portfolio review Encontros da Imagem 2020 (Braga, Portugal)
World Report Award 2020 Documenting Humanity (Italy). Finalist
Royal Geographical Society (London, UK), Earth Photo 2020. Finalist
26th Lantin American Documentary Photography Contest (Colombia). Finalist
Selected Lugano Photo Days 2020
Recipient FUGA Photojournalism Scholarship. Fuga Center of Photography / RUIDO Photo 2020 (Spain)
MIFA The Moscow International Foto Awards 2020. Portrait. Honorable Mention
Portfolio Review Ateljee / Museo Nacional de Finlandia (Kansallismuseo). Helsinki Photo festival
Mercé Rodoreda Contest 2020 (Foto Platja D’Aro, Spain). Recipient Young Author Prize